200+ lifters registered formally under the Zimbabwe Powerlifting Federation
500+ community members with regular free access to Lift4Life community gyms in Harare. 40+ Zimbabwe youth team members.
40+ lifters in Lesotho supported by Lift4Life
5 different gyms built locally in Harare
1 community gym in Lesotho
1 powerlifting competition set in Ontario, Canada for community use
1 complete competition set donated in Zimbabwe in partnership with IPF
The Empower Project Virtual Gym Space supporting female Canadian youth through online strength training classes.
14 international competitors, including participation at the 2017 Commonwealth Championships, 2018 & 2019 African Arnolds, and the 2019 African Championships.
28 competitors sponsored for virtual international competitions in 2020.
Sponsored competitors were athletes from marginalized communities in Zimbabwe, were of various genders, and of all ages.
175+ school fees sponsored for youth lifters, supporting both their academics and athletics.
16 first aid / sports Certification Courses sponsored under the Zimbabwe Sports and Recreation Commission.
1 Fitness & Nutrition Certification sponsored for a female coach.
Education Support during COVID Lockdowns including WIFI sponsorship for 2 community hubs, 75 textbooks purchased, and 17 children supported with private lessons.
250+ menstrual hygiene kits distributed in Harare Community Gyms through community relationships and Lift4Life’s partnership with the Restoration Hem Project.
2 Chicken Farms & 1 Community Garden established to combat food insecurity during COVID-19. The projects further provided livelihood opportunities.
Regular nutritious snacks and meals provided during youth team trainings and during community events.
Read more about our extensive COVID-19 Project Impact Here