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Growing Our Outreach:


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In our last blog we were excited to announce a meeting with the Zimbabwe government where a LIFT4LIFE video would be shared with the Minister of Sports by a member of All Out Sports Zimbabwe. Sadly, that meeting has been postponed and we are waiting to reschedule. Like anything working with governments is always on their time frame not our own but we are still excited for the opportunity whenever it does occur.


Over the past few weeks we have been talking with two organizations about their partnership and involvement in our work. These two organizations are Shredded by Science and Historic Performance. Historic Performance is a New York based company that focuses on in person and long distance training.  The company also boasts a fairly new but growing podcast audience which LIFT4LIFE will be given continued space on with a minute-long introduction of the cause that will be played and shared with their audience for a period of time.  Shredded by Science is an evidence based online coaching company that boasts a huge following including lots of free resources and also a podcast that has viewership in the thousands. Shredded by Science will also be partnering with LIFT4LIFE on some potential future projects and we are excited about setting up a full length podcast with John Downing to talk about his vision for LIFT4LIFE and how others can get involved with the cause or donate.


We are excited to have these two companies involved as they are growing companies and have a potential for a huge outreach which can help grow the LIFT4LIFE brand and our viewership as well!



As always thank you for taking the time to read about LIFT4LIFE and you can all help us by sharing our website, liking us on Facebook, inviting your friends to the page, and following us on Instagram!



                                    Spread the word and help us grow the community

                                                            of powerlifting worldwide!


Instagram: LIFT4LIFE_worldwide

Facebook: lift4lifeworldwide

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